Opening hours and useful information

Grotto and museum

Tuesday until Sunday from 12.00 p.m. - 5 p.m.


Public holidays


For spending half an hour in the Grotto, please reserve your time online or

call us.


Office hours

Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 11.30 a.m. +41 56 424 20 60


Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus


Our audio guide gives you an entertaining insight into the life and work of Emma Kunz. Immerse yourself in another world and leave the everyday behind you for a moment. The Swiss actor and comedian, Beat Schlatter, will accompany you through the tour with his voice. 


You will need your own smartphone for the audio guide. Please use your headphones if possible. Languages: Swiss German, German, English and French. 

Entrance fee

Entrance fee

CHF 14.-, adults

CHF 5.-, children from 6-16 years, under 6 years free of charge



We accept Credit-, Bank- or Postcards, TWINT. Cash in CHF.

Train connection

S6 from Zurich to Würenlos

Bus connection

Bus No. 1 from Baden to Würenlos

By car

Free parking is available in the lower area of the Emma Kunz Centre.

Information for people with Disabilities

The area of the Emma Kunz Centre is partially accessible for people with walking disabilities. The lower part of the Emma Kunz Museum is wheelchair accessible. The upper part (1st floor) is only accessible via a staircase.


If you arrive by car, please call us in advance or leave a note when booking online so that we can open the gate to the Emma Kunz Centre for you and you can then park in the upper car parking area.

Information for Dog Owners

The area of the Emma Kunz Centre is a dog-free zone, with the exception of assistance dogs.

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